Clarify your Direction

Sometimes we all get a bit stuck and need some help with direction. Whether you want to peel back the next layer of your professional life and explore your strategic options, redefine your career, or simply realise that you’re on the slow route to nowhere, we can work with you to help you take ownership of your professional life or business and make smarter, more future-proof decisions.

At Corset Economy, we have first-hand experience of changing direction. We recognise the various stages that one goes through and the roadblocks and dragons that can get in the way of progress. We’ve felt those emotions of anxiety, disorientation and resistance – as well as elation, satisfaction and accomplishment.

These experiences enable us to better help our clients. We can support you as you seize new roles and create new possibilities, whilst ensuring that you sidestep probably dead-ends and unproductive detours. 

Want to know more about how you can invest in yourself and play an active role in shaping your future? We offer personalised packages to help you get unstuck, immediately, as well as longer, more in depth courses. Email to arrange a no-strings 30 minute chat to see where you’re at and how we can help.

“I walked away with a robust personal strategy that takes into account disruptive change; a future-ready mindset; clarity of direction and a lot more confidence in my ability to navigate the uncertain future.

It was by far the best investment I have made in my personal development in a very long time.”

Emina, Change Agent & Executive Coach, UK

Our approach: Alignment of your inner world and your outer context

Whether you’re planning to invest in adjusting your career, business, skillset or life, it’s no longer sufficient to focus on your inner world. Sure, it’s important, which is why most career advice and coaching focuses on just this. The more you truly understand yourself, your critical values and skills, the ways you like to work and what you want to get out of the job, the easier it becomes to find a job that is aligned with you. Similarly, identifying who you already know and who you should add to the list can help you tap into a wider network of future customers, collaborators and co-creators, all of which can give you greater personal flexibility and resilience.

But you can’t ignore the outer context. The world out there is changing – fast. Technology, society, politics, the environment… Which offers both risks, but also opportunities! While you have no control over this outer context, you have absolute control over how you react to it, whether that is proactive or reactive.

Working with us, you get a combination of the inner world and the outer context. We can give this because we’ve spent a quarter-century working with successful global organisations and individuals to do just that.

We prefer not to call it coaching because it’s a different emphasis. It’s all about finding strategic alignment between your skills, values and purpose with the context you’re operating in. And it’s literally been an eye-opener for our clients, enabling them to discover some really innovative and diverse options they wouldn’t have thought of before.